Leigh Ferreira

Category: Compassion

Leigh, 34, is the founder of the Sweethearts Foundation, an organisation that has provided nearly 300 wheelchairs to children and the underprivileged community, who would not have access to them otherwise.

The impact in people’s lives is massive, and the initiative is simple: people across South Africa collect bottle tops and bread tags which are recycled in exchange for the wheelchairs. Although each bread tag or bottle top weighs only a few grams, the Sweethearts have recycled more then 50 tons of plastic to date.

Leigh spends countless early mornings and late evenings working with the many volunteers to identify those in need, coordinating collections, making sure the plastic gets to recyclers, ensuring the wheelchairs meet any unique recipient needs and organising wheelchair handovers.

When she is not busy with the Sweethearts, she gets back to her day job as a chemical engineer involved in delivering large engineering projects across Africa.

Learn more about the Sweetheart Foundation.